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Minister Vulin: Military health care is ready for the new wave of coronavirus

17. 10. 2020

- Military health care proved its worth in the first and the second waves of Covid-19. But it will prove it again in the third wave or whenever needed. Military health care has procured everything that is necessary, we have more than enough face masks, protective suits and equipment, we have bought new medical equipment, we have equipped all our Covid hospitals, but also non-Covid hospitals – emphasized the Minister of Defence Aleksanar Vulin, who visited today the military Covid hospital MMC “Karaburma”, together with the Head of the Military Healthcare Department, Major General Uglješa Jovičić. MD.
The Minister of Defence added that everything that is in the power of the Ministry of Defence, the Serbian Armed Forces and the Military Health Department, has been done.
-We are ready for the third wave, and I would like to warn all our citizens once again that no one can help us if we do not help ourselves. No military or civilian health care can admit all patients. They cannot cure every person that might get infected if the disease is not under control, if we do not wear face masks and if we do not take care. Listen to what military doctors tell you, what professionals tell you, take care – emphasized Minister Vulin adding that only we ourselves can beat the epidemic and that we cannot be ready for it if we do not do these simple things. 
Military health care, says Minister Vulin, is ready to help its country, its Armed Forces and the citizens of Serbia.
- We have plentiful amounts of everything we need, but I ask you to look after each other. Only we can help each other – Minister Vulin concluded.
The commander of the military hospital “Karaburma”, Colonel Ivo Udovičić, MD, thanked Minister Vulin for everything he did in the past period for the hospital to be fully operational and have excellent results, adding that the period between the two waves of the coronavirus was used to renovate the hospital and the conditions for treatment are twice as good now.

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